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HomeFuel System PartsE85 Conversion Fuel System Parts

E85 Conversion Fuel System Parts

Electronic fuel injection conversion can help you gain maximum performance out of your vehicle, with EFI Hardware being the leading providers of a plethora of EFI conversion parts. EFI Hardware stock and make all sorts of adapters and fittings to make the job very easy. Many DIY enthusiasts have found EFI Hardware to supply all sorts of components to save them lots of time with their projects. E85 Fuel requires specialty compatible components and as EFI hardware are the experts in the field they have invaluable advice as well.

EFILAB - Learn About E85 Fuel System Requirements

E85 Conversion Fuel System Parts

E85 fuel provides a host of benefits to car-owners, making it an ideal option to convert to. Some of these benefits include:

  • E85 fuel is 30-35 cents per litre cheaper than 98 PULP
  • If added to a turbocharged engine, the power level  could increase by approximately 12-14%
  • Exhaust gas temperatures can be reduced by around 200°C
  • Ethanol has a higher octane rating than PULP

If you have decided to convert to E85 and require EFI conversion parts, EFI Hardware are the team to turn to. We have 20 years experience in the field of Electronic Fuel Injection. We are an Australian Company based in Melbourne.

